
buffers - How to clear all contents of a file

Is there a simpler way to do this for clearing a file? On a normal text editor I normally would do Cmd-A and then start typing.

How can I delete all lines from cursor position using vi

Press Esc come to command mode press v enter visual mode Shift + g selects everything from current position to EOF DEL delete selected.

How can I delete all lines in a file using vi?

In vi do :1,$d to delete all lines. The : introduces a command (and moves the cursor to the bottom). The 1,$ is an indication of which lines the following ...

How to Delete all Text in a File Using ViVim Editor

In this article, we will describe steps on how to delete, remove or clear all text in a file using a Vim editor in different vim modes.

How to Delete all Text in a File Using ViVim Editor?

After entering into command mode, type `:%d` (colon followed by percent sign and d) which instructs Vim/VI to delete all lines of text within ...

How to Delete all Text in a File Using ViVim Editor?

In this article, we will describe steps on how to delete, remove or clear all text in a file using a Vim editor in different vim modes.

How to delete lines in Vim Vi

Deleting a line in insert mode is the same as deleting any other piece of text: mash the backspace/delete key until that line is gone!

How to Delete Multiple Lines in Vi editor

To delete multiple lines, press Esc to leave the insert/editing mode, enter the number of lines you want to delete followed by 'dd' ie ndd.

How to empty the file content in vi editor - linux

First come out front input mode by pressing ESC key then apply gg to go to first line and then type dG to delete everything.

Select all in Vim Vi

Vim delete all lines. To clear all the lines of a file: :%d. Go to normal mode - ESC; Enter command mode - : Select All - %; Delete - d. Learn ...


Isthereasimplerwaytodothisforclearingafile?OnanormaltexteditorInormallywoulddoCmd-Aandthenstarttyping.,PressEsccometocommandmodepressventervisualmodeShift+gselectseverythingfromcurrentpositiontoEOFDELdeleteselected.,Invido:1,$dtodeletealllines.The:introducesacommand(andmovesthecursortothebottom).The1,$isanindicationofwhichlinesthefollowing ...,Inthisarticle,wewilldescribestepsonhowtodelete,rem...